Mariángeles es una de nuestras gaditanas que no tiene blog pero que hace maravillas con sus manos. En esta ocasión enseñamos la colcha de bebé que ha ralizado para el bebé de su amiga Nieves, Gonzalo. A ver si os gusta...
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t Calf bruises are common in runners and cyclists because of the strain on the legs. Consult a doctor if the bruise does not get better with self-care measures. Seek immediate medical attention if there is severe pain and swelling along with the bruising.. Gently rub the mixture into the stain using a soft towel or brush. A dampened towel is used to rinse out the vinegar mixture, followed by a dry towel to blot the area dry. If the stain isn't removed the first time, repeat the process until it is gone. [url=]Cycling Clothing[/url] If a patch kit doesn't come with your new air mattress, it will be a good idea to purchase one. You can find them in the camping section, and they usually come with several vinyl patches and glue. It's best to be prepared. Even if you know the area you're camping in, pack a good map of the campground and a compass. You can bring along a GPS unit as well as extra batteries, but a map and compass are a great low-tech backup in case of equipment failure. Also, pack a flashlight for navigating in the dark and some extra batteries for it as well. RecyclingOne third of British people reuse their plastic bags for shopping, another third reuse them as trash liners and about 5 percent recycle them. and UK, facilities are extremely limited in their ability to recycle the large number of plastic bags that come through, mostly because of the resources needed to separate all the different types of plastic. Another complication is the fact that the dyes on plastic bags often lead to black or gray plastic when recycled. [url=]Cycling Cloth[/url] ClothingDressing yourself in layers is essential to maintaining a comfortable body temperature and staying warm and dry as you trek. In that you sweat while hiking, the layer closest to your skin should draw the dampness away from your body. Select a wool blend material that dries quickly that is not heavy when wet.problems with my proform xp bike ConcernsNewer fire retardants, such as PBDEs, belong to a class of chemicals called halocarbons. They are extremely stable, making them useful for treating clothing. They will not break down when exposed to sunlight, water, detergents or other environmental factors, so the sleepwear will not lose its fire resistance over time.
Saco huesos de cereza
Aprovechando unos retales de telas franelas, y con una cinta de algodón, he
realizado este saco de huesos de cereza para las lumbares. Mide 6"x24".
*Saco hu...
El 15 de Julio nació una princesa
Nahia es la sobrina postiza de mis hijos, nena muy deseada y esperada por
todos, os muestro los regalitos que he hecho para ella.
En primer término, la c...
Que poquito queda!!!!!!!!!!
Apenas mes y medio y se nota, las chicas están con el acelerador pisado a
tope terminando trabajos y a mi se me acumulan las fotos para publicar. En
esta e...
Me propuse este año ir acabando trabajos que tengo acumulados desde hace
tiempo y que ya no se donde meter. El mes pasado terminé mis casitas de
Dear Jane, unos pocos más
Estos bloques los he hecho estos días, a pesar de que ya tengo muchos
hechos aún no he sido capaz de completar una fila.
Es necesario que empiece ya a co...
Mi pequeña Gorjuss
Tenia muchas ganas de tener esta muñequita, asi que me anime a hacerla esta
hecha sin patrones los he ido haciendo sobre la marcha y estoy contenta con
el ...
No se vosotras pero yo no lo habia oido ni leido antes.Hasta que lo vi en
el blog de Pach en Manresa.
Me parecio una tradicion muy peculiar y me gusto!
Se ...
*Hola a tod@s.*
*Aquí estoy de nuevo y esta vez para enseñaros la funda para una Thermomix
que me habian pedido.*
*Yo ni idea de lo que era,me refiero a co...
otros dos y dos sal
siguiendo el sal de la tieta he terminado dos bloques nuevos, me he
saltado rueda del carpintero...corté las telas mal !dos veces! así
que lo apa...
Más que alumnas
son amigas y les estoy iniciando en esta afición que nos atrapa cuando
tomamos contacto con ella, os quiero enseñar algunos de sus trabajos, son
unas campe...
estás pero no como yo quisiera, te hablo pero no oigo tu voz, te
veo..siempre te veo y siempre a mi lado
Que suerte he tenido papá, esa suerte no la t...
Mas que amigas
Bueno poco a poco voy publicando cositas, pero cada vez me es más difícil
, debido a que Aran esta cada vez más activo ( se ríe, juega con los
muñequitos ...
12 comentarios:
un trabajo precioso y el acolchado una maravilla!!!
Dale la enhorabuena, esta precioso, y la dedicatoria muy bonita.
Un beset
Qué bonita y ese acolchado tan bien hecho...
Es una cucada.
Muy dulce, y el acolchado muy original, me encanta !
Laura R
Es DIVINA y en la mano más!!!!!!!!!
Me ha encantado.
Que bonito
7 Rotating and recycling toys prevents boredom[url=]A.J. Green Orange Jersey[/url]
saves you money and gives your parrot a change of scenery regularly1
Be sure that you give your dog plenty of attention each day Most of the time we are absorbed in something other than the present moment and we miss most of themPre-Neolithic Calendars:The Ishango or other aboriginal message sticks from places like Australia and Africa are not easily comprehended by us in the present
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t Calf bruises are common in runners and cyclists because of the strain on the legs. Consult a doctor if the bruise does not get better with self-care measures. Seek immediate medical attention if there is severe pain and swelling along with the bruising.. Gently rub the mixture into the stain using a soft towel or brush. A dampened towel is used to rinse out the vinegar mixture, followed by a dry towel to blot the area dry. If the stain isn't removed the first time, repeat the process until it is gone. [url=]Cycling Clothing[/url] If a patch kit doesn't come with your new air mattress, it will be a good idea to purchase one. You can find them in the camping section, and they usually come with several vinyl patches and glue. It's best to be prepared. Even if you know the area you're camping in, pack a good map of the campground and a compass. You can bring along a GPS unit as well as extra batteries, but a map and compass are a great low-tech backup in case of equipment failure. Also, pack a flashlight for navigating in the dark and some extra batteries for it as well. RecyclingOne third of British people reuse their plastic bags for shopping, another third reuse them as trash liners and about 5 percent recycle them. and UK, facilities are extremely limited in their ability to recycle the large number of plastic bags that come through, mostly because of the resources needed to separate all the different types of plastic. Another complication is the fact that the dyes on plastic bags often lead to black or gray plastic when recycled. [url=]Cycling Cloth[/url] ClothingDressing yourself in layers is essential to maintaining a comfortable body temperature and staying warm and dry as you trek. In that you sweat while hiking, the layer closest to your skin should draw the dampness away from your body. Select a wool blend material that dries quickly that is not heavy when wet.problems with my proform xp bike ConcernsNewer fire retardants, such as PBDEs, belong to a class of chemicals called halocarbons. They are extremely stable, making them useful for treating clothing. They will not break down when exposed to sunlight, water, detergents or other environmental factors, so the sleepwear will not lose its fire resistance over time.
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